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Livraison gratuite à partir de 40€ d'achat
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Poster Waves Goodbye to Diapers

Name Waves Goodbye to Diapers

20,24 € 26,99 €
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Help your child become diaper-free!!

Coming out of diapers is a big event in your child’s life. In this personalized children’s book our little hero practices not using a diaper. Throughout the story the child experiences successes and setbacks, all the while being met with approval from kind grown-ups.

The book is written by psychologist and children’s book author Ina Victoria Haller and aims to help children and parents with the transition to become diaper-free. The book can be used as a tool for parents to help the child in this new phase. In the beginning of the book there is a guide with good advice as to how you as parents can handle this process.

The book can be personalized for one or two adults, who live with the child. You can choose whether the child is going to use a potty or the toilet, when moving on from using a diaper.

Auteur(e): Ina Victoria Haller
Illustrateur/trice: Tatjana Beimler

Tranche d'âge
De 0 à 3 ans.
24 pages.
delivery time
7-9 jours ouvrés
En stock
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Écolabel Le Cygne blanc
Écolabel Le Cygne blanc
Couverture rigide, papier couché - 200 g.
Couverture rigide, papier couché - 200 g.

Personalize Name Waves Goodbye to Diapers

Choose Book Size

Write a personalized dedication. Please do not use smileys since they unfortunately cannot be shown in the text. The text will be printed on the first page of your chosen story (max 300 characters).

Information about the Child


Extra Information

Write the word you use at home for poop.

Information about the Adults

Write the name of an adult that is with the child in the story. This person lives with the child.
Write the name of another adult that is with the child in the story.

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